9/27/2019 0 Comments Can I have your ATTENTION?!Over the years I have tried to come up with many ways to draw ATTENTION to my Chisel Ripper and how it differs and the benefits over other farming practices. What caught my attention was one of my best endorsements by the late Kevin Bien. This endorsement verified what I was doing was something pretty unique.
First, if you have never met Kevin, let me tell you a little about him. Kevin was best known as the pitchmen for Gleaner Combines. He was also one of the best salesmen I have ever come across! One of the things that made him so good at his job was that he had complete knowledge of what he was selling. Kevin knew every inch of the Gleaner Combines. He had worked along with farmers and AGCO Corp. to come up with the best machine he believed possible. If you had a chance to hear Kevin talk at a farm show, it was something special. He put on a show that drew a crowd every time. Whenever I attended a farm show I always stopped to listen in. I AM NOT EXACTLY SURE HOW HE GOT EVERYONE'S ATTENTION, BUT IT WAS A SIGHT TO SEE! Four years ago, just before the Farm Science Review, our mutual friend lined Kevin up to come and look at my Chisel Ripper for AGCO Corp. I set up a field demonstration which included two of my neighbors with their equipment. I was a little nervous because the ground we were working was wheat stubble that had been wet when harvested and remained wet during straw bailing and manure application. Unfortunately, we hit a dry spell which turned the ground brick hard. The demo consisted of a disc-ripper behind a track-drive oscillating four-wheel drive, a chisel plow and another large four-wheel drive tractor. Between these two monsters set my Chisel Ripper on a 110 HP four-wheel drive tractor. That in and of itself was an attention getter. We calculated that the disc-ripper had 27 HP per foot. The chisel plow had 21 HP and I was working with just 9 HP per foot. The results of the demo: *The chisel plow would not even go into the ground. *The disc ripper went in one foot and pulled hard. *The chisel ripper was able to accomplish the same one foot depth with an easy pull. This depth was a little shallow from where we normally run our Ripper because we were in some really tough conditions. The best result of the demo was the smile on Kevin Bien's face. Then he told me that you could never drive by and look at your field and see what I was doing. You had to be in the field to understand what it was doing and it was doing a great job. Coming from Kevin, that was one of the best endorsements I have ever received on the Chisel Ripper and was one of the most rewarding days I have ever had working with this machine.
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I personally have never let what others say or do influence what I know is possible. If someone says I cannot it becomes a challenge to me. I never stop trying to improve on whatever I am doing. No matter what job I have ever done and no matter what I feel, I look back and learn something from it.Jeff Sberna - Farmer and Founder of J&D FarmBuilt LLC |